05 October 2010

A Fishy Little Story

It all has to start somewhere, so why not with a contest. My entry is the newest member of our house, a fish named Kitten. He was named by Red (aka Ainsleigh Jayne) and is supposed to be her school mascot. She goes to a pre-school focused on the fine art plus the fundamentals and I totally expected this guy to get a much fancier name than Kitten, but who am I to argue with a very opinionated three-year-old? It's probably not the best picture in the world, but it's one of those faces that in all honesty, you can't help but love.

I've decided that fish, like hummingbirds, are a photographers test in patience. They hang around waiting for food until you get out the camera and then zip, they are 101 places at once. I used a macro to capture Kitten with just natural light boosted by some under cabinet lights. Post-processed by adding some texture.


Mom2Da'Gorgeouses Tuesday, October 05, 2010 8:51:00 PM  

Such a CUTE face! :) Hugs & Blessings!

e miller photography-Salem Oregon Photography Wednesday, October 06, 2010 2:17:00 PM  

you know I love your fish pictures!

Anonymous Wednesday, October 06, 2010 2:51:00 PM  

such a lovely photo ... very painterly ... like a watercolour!
Very nice :-)

About Me

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I was born in Southern California and spent my teenage years and most of my young adult life growing up in the Kansas City area. After living in Chicago for six years, I'm now back in the KC area and not so much loving every second. I'm a SAHM to one feisty little redhead, Ainsleigh Jayne, married to my best friend, Jack, and dogmom to four "flying monkeys", Kegan, Piper, Beamish and Scarlett.

Dance with Ainsleigh

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