02 November 2008

Jacked Up - 19 months (18 October 2008)

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I love "Nightmare Before Xmas" and had to have this hoodie for Ainsleigh cause it was just so stinkin cute. The pictures in color are okay, but the black and white really make "Jack" pop. Ainsleigh found an old pair of my sunglasses and they went perfectly with this ensemble that was completed with deco jeans that have a t-shirt to match. I actually love the big picture of this so much that I may have to have a larger copy made for our walls. Talk about attitude...

Since we are doing black and white today, I thought it only appropriate that one of our favorite things in black and white get a spot in today's post as well. That's Kegan who loves a camera, but is very shy otherwise, when he was about a year-old. One of my all-time favorite pics.


About Me

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I was born in Southern California and spent my teenage years and most of my young adult life growing up in the Kansas City area. After living in Chicago for six years, I'm now back in the KC area and not so much loving every second. I'm a SAHM to one feisty little redhead, Ainsleigh Jayne, married to my best friend, Jack, and dogmom to four "flying monkeys", Kegan, Piper, Beamish and Scarlett.

Dance with Ainsleigh

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