07 November 2008

Rolling w/ a Holstein - 20 Months (3 Nov 2008)

The cow hat by Matilda Jane has quickly become a favorite. Surprisingly, it goes with lots of things which is good because it's almost become a toss up between it and the wacky hat (see Oct 27th Post). The peasant in these pictures are from A's first birthday outfit that was a stunning little number done by the very talented, Cammie at My Little Fairy Tales. The pictures can't show the little details in this top that make it so awesome.


About Me

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I was born in Southern California and spent my teenage years and most of my young adult life growing up in the Kansas City area. After living in Chicago for six years, I'm now back in the KC area and not so much loving every second. I'm a SAHM to one feisty little redhead, Ainsleigh Jayne, married to my best friend, Jack, and dogmom to four "flying monkeys", Kegan, Piper, Beamish and Scarlett.

Dance with Ainsleigh

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