22 February 2009

The Flight of Time - Various (22 Feb 2007, 2008, 2009)

A Child's Laughter

One of a kind this cheerful sound
A child's laughter wherever it's found
From the giggling of a baby in a playpen
To the laughter of a toddler again and again

A child's laughter can bring a smile
To one who hasn't done so in such a long while
I know because that one was me
Until my daughter's laugh set mine free

A child's laughter so gleeful and pure
An innocence adults miss for sure
Laughter that can bring back the past
And memories of a youth that flew by so fast

A child's laughter can bring out the best
Of most any man when he's depressed
Cause his spirit that's fall to soar
Until at last he laughs once more

Harry J. Couchon Jr

Ainsleigh celebrated her second birthday (officially) today. It's kind of a bittersweet moment for a mother. It's so much fun to watch her grow and learn new things, but so sad when I look at her and see she's really not a baby anymore. She had a very full weekend with a party and then a special lunch at Macaroni Grill today where they sang "Happy Birthday" to her in Italian, complete with candles on the ice cream. I think the sugar high might possibly last for at least a week.

Her outfits the past two years have been done by Cammie of My Little Fairytales. Her work is amazing and her outfits are always so unique and colorful. Always fit for a Princess, even though the Princess usually has her crown off five minutes after the first kid arrives.


About Me

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I was born in Southern California and spent my teenage years and most of my young adult life growing up in the Kansas City area. After living in Chicago for six years, I'm now back in the KC area and not so much loving every second. I'm a SAHM to one feisty little redhead, Ainsleigh Jayne, married to my best friend, Jack, and dogmom to four "flying monkeys", Kegan, Piper, Beamish and Scarlett.

Dance with Ainsleigh

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